October 23, 2017

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how to save your wet mobile phone

 (credit to BESTFRIEND MAG)
Dropped your phone in the toilet bowl? oopppsss...  or accidentally slip it on the pool? don't panic... just follow this easy steps to bring back the life of your smartphone.

1. retrieve your handset from the water right away. a prolonged plunge will  increase the risk of damage.

2. resist the urge to check if its still works or press any buttons, since putting pressure on the keys could shift liquid further into the device.

3. in all cases, the best way to do is immediately pull out the battery, thus minimizing power to the device that it may cause to short circuit.
(image source by myfixguide)

4. if you own a handset with a non-replaceable battery like iPhone, then pulling the battery is not an option, you have to risk pressing the few buttons to check if its till on and swiftly turn it off if it is.

5. remove any peripherals and attachment on your phone, such as cover.

6.  extract the sim card or any sd cards if it carries, leaving ports or covers om your handset open to aid ventilation.
(image source by tech2hack)

7. dry off everything with a towel. including the exterior of your handset.

8. even when everything is dry, it's very likely there's latent moisture within the device that you want to get out before turning it on. the most off reported fix for a soaked phone is to bury the handset in a bowl of dry rice. desiccant materials such as rice, because it has a property to absorbed moisture.

9. use silica gel packs if you don't have any of that material around but rice doing it well.

10. when you're confident it is dried out, put the battery and try switching it on.

Bonus:  how to check water damage to your phone?

-for iPHONE-
(apple support

-FOR SAMSUNG- (image source by updato.com)

September 3, 2017

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8 Best Yoga Poses to Weight Loss

  You might have tried many different things to get into shape like massage gels, creams and pills. these many seem affective at first but, will have a long term affect on the body. only exercises will build the body strength and tone down the muscles. so here are a few beginner yoga poses which will help you get tones legs and a flat tummy.

For this yoga pose you need to stand straight with your legs far apart. now bring your hands up above your head and stretch them. clasp both hands together in a namaste and turn your torso to the right side. your right knee should bend slightly while trying to stretch your abdominal muscles as much as you can. after turning it to the right, follow the same procedure to the left. this posture will tighten your muscles and also tone your legs giving you very good body strength.
(Photo credit yogamalacapetown)

 This yoga pose is just the same as the above. it has the same affect on the tummy and legs. it is done in a different ways. the hands do not make a namaste, they are stretch out to both the sides. while bending the leg. by doing this the abdominal muscles are stretched. this pose is very effective for fat elimination. (Photo credit shantigreen.com)

This asana is a chair pose in the air and it requires a lots of stamina. you may feel pain in your legs in the first couple of days when you practice it. however doing this regularly will help you gain flexibility and the pain will vanish. you need to have your feet together inhale while you raise your hands above your head. stretch them up while bending your knees. now you need to remain in this position for at least 60 seconds. it maybe difficult in the beginning to remain in this position. so try hold it as much as you can and stand up when you feel too much pressure. you can begin by doing this 10 time everyday and increase the number every 3 days. it will tone down your thigh melt the fats from your tummy.(Photo credit herintalk.com)

Sit down on a map and stretch your legs. your knees should be pulled up, thighs should be tight and your toes should pointed out. now try to raise your feet on the ground and bring your legs to a 45 degree angle. inhale while you raise your feet and avoid bending your knees. the spine should be straight and your body should make a V shape. Raise your arms to the shoulder level. this pose will increase your stamina and also cut down tummy fat.(Photo credit webfitness.com)

Lie down on your back,bend your knees. your feet should remain on the ground, the palms should be straight. Now lift your hips from the ground and balance yourself on your hands and feet. this pose will increase your muscle strength.(Photo credit allwomenstalk.com)

The cobbler's pose is one of the easiest and helpful poses of yoga. you need to sit down with your spine straight. your knees should be bent and the soles of your feet should be facing each other. you should press the soles together and hold this pose for a minute.(Photo credit workouttrends.com)

You need to lie face down with your palms facing on the ground. while inhaling you should lift up your legs without bending your knees. your upper torso and hands should also be lifted up, giving you a stretch of the abdominal muscles. you need to balance yourself on the tummy. this pose will reduce the fats near the hips and stretch your legs muscles.(Photo credit workouttrends.com)

Sit on your feet with your knees and calves close together. you need to use soft cloth under you to prevent pain. now come onto your knees and place your hands on your hips. stretching out your torso look above. hold your heels slowly, one hand after the other. Bend backward and stretch out the chest tummy. you can feel the weight in your arms. this position is useful to melt the fat in almost all of the areas of your body. (Photo credit popsugar.com)

The Instruction above will able to help you effectively stretching the muscles around the hips,waist,abdomen, legs and hands. this will eliminates the fats and give you a healthier lighter body. it could help you to lose unhealthy fatty issues in the body, Constipation, stress and nervous tension are reduce by these poses.

September 26, 2015

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Wellness Tips: How to Manage Life Free of Stress

Stress is a part of life, a normal response to demands either emotional, intellectual, or physical. It can be positive, if it keeps us alert, It can be negative if you don't know how to handle it (by wikipedia.org).
Managing stress is key to your health. And it isn't so very difficult to do.
How Does Stress Affect Health? according to the Psychiatrist of WebMD - The body's autonomic nervous system has a built-in stress response that causes physiological changes to allow the body to combat stressful situations. This stress response, also known as the "fight or flight response," is activated in case of an emergency. However, this response can become chronically activated during prolonged periods of stress, which can cause wear and tear on the body -- both physical and emotional.

Stress that continues without relief can lead to a condition called 'Distress' a negative stress reaction. Distress can disturb the body's internal balance or equilibrium, leading to physical symptoms such as headaches, an upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, sexual dysfunction, and problems sleeping.
Emotional problems can also result from distress. These problems include depression, panic attacks, or other forms of anxiety and worry. Research suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases. Stress is linked to six of the leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide.
Stress also becomes harmful when people engage in the compulsive use of substances or behaviors to try to relieve their stress. These substances or behaviors may include food, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling, sex, shopping, and the Internet. Rather than relieving the stress and returning the body to a relaxed state, these substances and compulsive behaviors tend to keep the body in a stressed state causing more problems. The distressed person becomes trapped in a vicious circle.

-Warning and Signs of Stress-
Chronic stress can wear down the body's natural defenses, leading to a variety of physical symptoms,including.

• Dizziness or a general feeling of "being out of it"
• General aches and pains
• Grinding teeth, clenched jaw
• Headaches
• Indigestion or acid reflux symptoms
• Increase in or loss of appetite
• Muscle tension in neck, face or shoulders
• Problems sleeping
• Racing heart
• Cold and sweaty palms
• Tiredness, exhaustion
• Trembling/shaking
• Weight gain or loss
• Upset stomach, diarrhea
• Sexual difficulties
• Irritability, impatience, forgetfulness

-Tips for Reducing Stress-
People can learn to manage stress and lead happier, healthier lives. Here are some tips to help you keep stress at bay.
• Keep a positive attitude.
• Accept that there are events that you cannot control.
• Be assertive instead of aggressive. Assert your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming angry, defensive, or passive.
• Learn and practice relaxation techniques; try meditation, yoga, or tai-chi.
one of the best yoga practice I could recommend is from Denise Austin you can watch her lesson from her YoutubeChannel.
• Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit.
• Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
• Learn to manage your time more effectively.
• Set limits appropriately and say no to requests that would create excessive stress in your life.
• Make time for hobbies and interests.
• Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events.
• Don't rely on alcohol, drugs, or food to reduce stress. Ease up on caffeine, too.
• Seek out social support. Spend enough time with those you love.
• Seek treatment with a psychologist or other mental health professional trained in stress management or biofeedback techniques to learn more healthy ways of dealing with the stress in your life.

September 24, 2015

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Beauty Hair Tips: How to Repair the Super Damage Hair

* Was your hair very well after shampooing.
* Leave the conditioner set on your hair for 10 to 15 minutes.
* Brush your hair by comb with a gentle bristle.
* Let your hair naturally air dry. 
* Use protein treatments.
* Avoid using chemicals and heat on your hair.
* Protect your hair from the sun.
Some of the basic advice we almost heard anytime for hair caring tips.
Pro hair dresser says; "Damaged hair does not have to be a life-long burden. With the right products and the right attitude, you can easily repair damaged hair to the point that no one will even know that you had it in the first place. Your hair will be more silky and shiny than it has ever been before"
but let be honest! even if doing all of the tips and even going to a professional salon,we still not satisfied the result of it every time?
me and you don't demand something magic that we wanted to wake up one day that our hair is super shine and beautiful even if we wanted it to be that, we just want to see even a little effects on something we are expecting to see with our hair appearance and texture.
In a desperate search to find a cure for my super Damage hair, I came across a few articles recommending coconut oil as a moisture treatment. As I dug deeper I found that coconut oil is the oil our hair can absorb better than any other without bringing myself and spend too much money for any salon.

Coconut oil mixed with Olive oil and lemon extract treatment

Coconut oil - is one of the best things to ever happen to a head of hair, especially when that hair has been seriously damaged. It is incredibly effective as a reparative agent, conditioner, and even as a growth stimulator (by howdoesshe.com).

Olive or Sunflower oil - show that they can have a major moisturizing effect. Olive oil could add softness and strengthen hair by penetrating the hair shaft and retaining moisture (by healthline.com).

Lemon extract - This citrus fruit juice can actually help increase hair growth and gives you strong hair naturally. Lemon is fully packed with many nutrients like citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, pectin, and flavonoids. They not only help in the stimulation of the hair growth but also help to make the follicles of the hair healthy (by stylecraze.com).

3 Tablespoons Organic Coconut Oil
3 Tablespoons Olive Oil or Sunflower Oil
3 Tablespoon Lemon Extract
1 Small container

 Put it on together in a container and shake it off until it mixed together and your Done.

 now apply all the mixture to all of your hair starting from roots to the end. i will recommend you to sectioning your hair so that it could easy to apply. when your done applying, set your hair and covered it with a plastic cap so that your hair soaked the mixture better and leave it on for a couple of hours. and washed it out with shampoo and conditioner. then let it dry with the natural air dry.

September 11, 2015

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How to Spot Real and Fake Louis Vuitton Handbags

There are many replicas that look very similar to real bags so it is essential to learn how to spot a fake so you don't end up wasting your money. Many of the fakes are hard to distinguish from the real deal so paying attention to specific details because its difficult to figure out if a bag is authentic.
like other woman out there!  I am a big fan of Louis Vuitton bags ,but we all know that it is so expensive and not every one can afford to have this luxury bag, I just content to see other woman carrying this bag,until I'm able to have it own on my own now.

With the popularity of designer bags at an all-time high, more counterfeit bags are hitting the streets and online auctions. Don't be fooled into purchasing a Louis Vuitton bag that claims to be the real thing when in fact, it is not. It can be difficult at times to tell a fake from an authentic but there are several ways to identify the difference between a genuine and a fake handbag.

-An authentic Louis Vuitton bag has the following characteristics-

 Louis Vuitton bags are expensive. They are made out of costly materials such as top-quality leather, boa, crocodile, lambskin and camel skin. Fakes are made from pleather and vinyl; they may feel rough and stiff. A real Louis Vuitton is smooth and feels soft.Louis Vuitton trim is done is Vachetta leather and tans naturally as the bag ages. Most fakes are done in a light tan trim or a fake aged trim that will not change with age.
Monogram placement is done carefully and is consistent on pieces. It will not be crooked or cut off. It will look the same on each style of bag. The leather is one solid piece that continues to the front from the back. You will never see a seam in the middle of a bag.
Tags are never attached to a Louis Vuitton bag. They may come with tags, but they are simply placed in the purse or dust bag. 

-Tags are never attached with plastic or pins-                                                          (http://goo.gl/0C3tJq)

The hardware used on the bag is also an indicator. Fake bags will often have painted gold plastic where as an authentic will have gold or brass metal hardware imprinted with the trademark LV logo.
All bags come with a soft dust bag. This bag is done in a soft tan color and features the Louis Vuitton logo in the center. The dust bag can be done in a drawstring or envelope style.

-Knowing the Bag-

Check the details of the bag against the original style. In addition to the basic features to look out for, there are some other obvious indicators. For example, if you are looking for a Speedy bag and find one that has gold feet on the bottom, steer clear. This style never features feet. The Speedy is smooth from front to back and does not have extra hardware such as feet.

-Beware of Extra Accessories-

Many Louis Vuitton fakes come with extra accessories. Authentic Louis Vuitton bags do not. The Never full has the option to add a shoulder strap but that is not a standard accessory. The Never full comes with two straps that can be carried over the arm. Fake versions may have a shoulder strap attached or as an accessory.
Check Handles and Stitching be wary of Louis Vuitton bags who has plastic wrapped around the handles like the image below.                                                        (http://goo.gl/0C3tJq) 
Examine the workmanship carefully. All Louis Vuitton bags have precise stitching that is durable and will not show any loose threads. The handles of each bag are seamed together with a special glue that bonds the leather. You will not see any sloppy craftsmanship or loose stitching. If you do, this is an indicator that the bag in question is not real.
Check the lettering on your bag. Wherever you see Louis Vuitton spelled out, you can check to see that the O is round, not oval shaped. Many fake versions will use oval shaped O's instead of round ones.

-Watch Out for Authenticity Certificates-

A final indicator that a bag is fake is the authenticity card. Real Louis Vuitton bags do not come with a certificate of authenticity. You may find a cream colored card with the style name of the bag and a bar code inside, but never a certificate. Many fake bags come with a certificate, leading consumers to believe that they are real.                                        (http://goo.gl/AMQdbB & https://goo.gl/8wblKi)

-Popular Replicated Styles-

There are many different bags, styles and patterns in the Louis Vuitton collection, but some styles and bags are more commonly replicated than others.

Signature Monogram Canvas: The most popular pattern is the Signature Monogram Canvas. This pattern features tan LV logos on a rich dark brown leather background. The pattern is never reversed or done with additional colors.

-Takashi Murakami Collection- 

Another highly replicated bag is the one done by designer Takashi Murakami. In 2003, Murakami partnered with Marc Jacobs and released this unique collection. The bags were done in white leather and featured 33 different colors of the signature LV logos. Another variation was the Cherry Blossom bag done in the Signature Monogram with the addition of red cherry blossoms throughout. A small face is in the center of each blossom. You will not see other flowers or designs on real bags.

-Damier Graphite canvas-

A newer style print is the Damier Graphite canvas. This style features the classic block pattern in black and grey. It has an urban feel and is more edgy than traditional styles. You will not see other variations to this print. Bold colors are never used and the block pattern always lines up on the edges and seams.

                                           -DAMIER GRAPHITE CANVAS-                                                      

-How to Spot Authentic Louis Vuitton Guide-

4 Part Guide to Spotting LV Fakes → Written by eBay Top 25 reviewer fashionista, ☞ here this is another helpful pictorial guide discussing aspects to watch for when purchasing.

Spot a Louis Vuitton Fake → Written by Forbes's staffer Hannah Elliot ☞ here this helpful article offers specific traits to consider when searching for your next Louis Vuitton.

-Budget Fashionista's LV Handbag Tips- 

Kathryn Finney- also known as the Budget Fashionista, knows that a counterfeit bag is nobody's bargain. See her quick tips on spotting a counterfeit LV.

-Shop Reputable Louis Vuitton Retailers-

Where you obtain your bag is also an indicator as to whether or not it is a fake. If you are able to shop in person then Louis Vuitton bags can be purchased at Louis Vuitton stores and boutiques. For those who prefer to shop online, check out the official website of Louis Vuitton ☞ here for a selection of bags in the latest styles.

If you have a bag that you are unsure about, you can bring in the bag to a store and ask a sales associate about authenticity of the bag. All Louis Vuitton associates are trained and will be able to spot a fake without hesitation. You can also use a handbag authentication service to help you determine the authenticity of your bag; however, research carefully to make sure you sure using a legitimate service.

-Do Your Research-

Like the old saying goes, "it is too good to be true" then it probably is. This goes for Louis Vuitton bags as well. An authentic Louis Vuitton is crafted from high-end luxury materials and the price tag reflects that fact. Don't be fooled into buying a fake. Educate yourself and be well-informed on what to look out for when purchasing a designer bag.

September 10, 2015

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Beauty Skin tips: How to Prevent Wrinkles and Dark Spot Appearing on a Face

as you turn to an aged for being conscious on fear from appearing lines beside the nose and below the eyes (the wrinkles). Just like any other woman out there, I become more careful for the foods and routine to avoid that to happen.
Most of us women always thinks about how to prevent measures to ward off wrinkles or premature aging.  and we always look for an idea to take the steps necessary to keep our skin looking young and fresh.
 we try search to find the ways to cure and prevent that nightmares.

-3 annoying and most hated line for Women-

Wrinkles all around the face - particularly the eye and mouth area also known as Nasolabial lines/folds (often referred to as “Crow's Feet” here in japan),deep folds between the nose and the mouth are Nasolabial folds, it become more visible when we getting old. the Mid-face ages when the cheeks begin to droop.
Tired-Looking eyes : eyes that looks “worn out,” with no hint of softness or suppleness (i couldn't think of any more feminine words). This occurs when the eyes begin to swell for various reasons, including excessive crying, excessive physical stress, genetics, dermatitis, hormonal changes in the body, a change in weather, sinus problems, hangovers, bad diet, lack of sleep and some allergic reaction.

brown spot: Small patches of discoloration on the face. Brown spots generally appear on exposed skin areas like the face, back, neck, chest, shoulders and hands. Some of the main causes of brown spots are sun exposure, aging, and genetics. Factors like stress, pregnancy, vitamin deficiencies, and weak liver functioning may also contribute to this problem. (http://goo.gl/xKnU83)

 i searched and knowing all the causes of all these. i'm not going to give a  Scientific explanation for you even if i saw out there was it, despite, i will give you a simple explanation about it. here is the first and can say the main reason of wrinkles appearing.
 did you know that Collagen and Elastin are the elements that keep skin looking soft and healthy. When these elements are damaged, skin tends to go downhill and premature aging sets in. So, it's important to protect skin from outside forces that damage Collagen and Elastin.

-there are lots of ways to avoid that-

    Avoid Sun Exposure :  didn't know that 99% of all premature aging is the result of sun exposure. So, sun block is imperative prior to any stint outside (it doesn't have to be 80 degrees).

 for me i use SPF50+  from DHC bb Germanium brand but you can use sunblock protection from any brand.

    Avoid Smoking : The damage to skin can be significant, but is still probably the least of a smoker's worries.

    stay away in all of these! Alcohol, Drugs & Highly-Processed Foods.

    Follow A Solid Skincare Routine : Remember the letters CSP – Cleanse, Scrub and Protect.

    if there some space on your wallet for luxury do it for your own happiness like Make An Appointment to Find a spa/salon where you'll feel comfortable and visit a Skin Care, experts says on a commercials: Two or three “facials” a year can really make a difference.

    Take a supplements: Use skin care products packed with vitamins and minerals, for these way i really push you to buy a collagen from these product name called Dear-natura if unable to find this product look for any collagen products that have a 2000mg of collagen because it really works.

      exercise daily.  Inner health and inner beauty is scientifically proven to be reflected on the outside.

May 31, 2015

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5 Ways To Refresh Your Wardrobe Without Breaking The Bank

It's no secret that most of us love to shop for new clothes. There is nothing quite like that feeling of slipping on a brand new shoes or finally locating that top that matches perfectly with the rest of your ensemble. Most people spend over $1,000 per year on new clothes and there is a good chance you probably need to cut back your spending. So how do we go about this task, while still maintaining our signature fashion sense? By following these five helpful tips, of course!

1. Purchase Better Clothing

People often fall victim to the false assumption that they should purchase more clothes that are cheaper, as opposed to buying less clothes that are of a higher quality. When you splurge for quality goods, you increase the chances that they will hold up over the long haul and keep you from being forced to shop for replacements. But it is also important to toe the line between splurging for higher quality clothing and spending for the sake of spending. Take note that, even today, a lot of people still never use coupons that will save them money. With coupon codes from Discountrue you can save a lot and be able to afford better quality for the same amount of money.

(image from https://goo.gl/000Dd7)

2. Shop At The Right Time Of Year
News flash: if you shop for winter clothes or summer clothes during the actual seasons, you will be paying a much higher price for them. It's the simple law of supply and demand. However, if you shop for certain seasons of clothing before the season has actually had a chance to take place, you stand a much greater chance of finding that once in a lifetime deal.

3. Wash Your Clothes Less

The more you wash your clothes, the faster they develop wear and tear. Unless washing them is absolutely necessary, try to refrain from excessive cleaning tactics. Not only does this save you money on clothes shopping, but it also leads to a decrease in your monthly utility bills, helping you to save money in multiple ways. Jeans and more sturdy clothes can be worn again after a simple airing out, so be sure to utilize this technique.

(image from http://goo.gl/DAxCJg)

4. Purchase Less Of What You Want
And more of what you need. Sure, it would be nice to have a pair of shoes in every single color. But how often will you truly get a chance to wear each individual pair? It's crucial to purchase clothes that you will actually get use out of it. At times, we engage in wishful thinking when it comes to clothes shopping. However, you should be able to envision the exact scenario in which you will be wearing each article of clothing before making a purchase.

5. Buy Clothes That Suit You

Don't buy clothes that you would not normally wear, in hopes of magically transforming your personality. Stay in your lane and buy the clothes that work best for your specific body type and sense of style. Try them on, in order to make sure they look good and don't be afraid to bring a brutally honest buddy who isn't scared to hurt your feelings. 

 (image from http://goo.gl/DAxCJg)

August 22, 2014

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Beauty Routine Tips: Proper Ways of Exfoliating your Skin

some women exfoliate their faces but forget about other body parts. As the weather heats up is also beginning to damage our skin, you should exfoliate all over. Exfoliation is also important before applying tanning products or when rejuvenating skin.below tips are proper ways of body Exfoliating.

-Exfoliating Supplies-

1.Before stepping into the shower, brush your dry skin with your loofah, body brush or exfoliating gloves. This will help remove the loose skin and prepare your skin for the exfoliating process. Begin with the soles of your feet, working your way up your body.

2. Get into the shower and wet your body from head to toe. Don't exfoliate your skin if you are sunburned or have any open cuts or wounds.

3. Use a pumice stone on your feet to eliminate rough spots and calluses. If your feet are extremely rough, soak them in a basin of warm water mixed with a cup of milk for 30 minutes before getting into the shower.

4. Apply your exfoliating cleanser to your loofah or gloves. Begin scrubbing your body in a circular motion starting with the bottoms of your feet and working your way up. When you reach the bikini area, don't scrub too hard because the skin is very sensitive.

5. Use a body brush to exfoliate your back and other hard-to-reach places.

6. Be gentle on your face, particularly around your eyes and mouth. Use an exfoliating product especially formulated for the face, which is gentler than products designed to be used on the body.

7. Don't forget about your hands. You want them to look and feel soft and smooth too!

8. Rinse your body with lukewarm water, and follow with the coldest water you can stand. Apply a shower gel to soften your skin, if you'd like.

9. After stepping out of the shower, apply a moisturizing body lotion all over. Body lotions and facial moisturizers containing alpha or beta hydroxy acids are ideal choices because these acids continue to remove dead skin cells.

10. Use body moisturizer lotion once a day. Exfoliation is drying to the skin, so you must keep your skin hydrated.

Select exfoliating cleansers that contain sea salt, sugar, ground almonds, walnuts, seeds or other grainy components.
Exfoliating once or twice a week is usually enough to achieve silky skin; however, women with oily skin should exfoliate more often than those with dry skin. If your skin becomes excessively dry or irritated after exfoliation, don't scrub so hard. Cut back on how often you exfoliate, and explore the possibility that you may be allergic to the products you used.

March 9, 2014

Filled Under: , , , ,

Beauty Hack: Proper Ways to Apply Your Lipstick

many women love to wear red lipstick because it is a color that can pops the shape of a lips and enhance many look.
red lips are the quintessential sexy and classy look but getting it "just right" can take a little hard and turn unexpected mistakes. when it comes to putting lipstick on my lips I don't really have a confidence to teach it with you all when I'm also struggling to choose it for myself sometimes.
but as one of those make up and fashion inventor, I am proud to say that i also have a Good instinct and taste to choose if what are the best color that fits for my lips (because every where I go, I always get a lots of compliments from anybody around me on my lips color), my first way to do before applying make up first is to choose a right lipstick that fits for my skin color by rubbing all the lipstick product I'd choose in my hand one by one. you can do yours too.

if your complexion is pink, I can say you look better in plum shades, while girl with yellow tones are flattered by warmer reds that have a brown base. however,it is important to try different shades of red to find the one that suits you best. another things that you can do is to ask any make up retails assistant when you go shop like mac cosmetics ,clinique, chanel,shiseido,maquillage,lancom,rmk or helena rubenstein near by in your place because all of lipsticks shop had a free make up tutorials for their customer.
now your done choosing your lipstick lets proceed to apply it proper and to expect the best result after.

4 proper steps to apply your lipstick:

1. proper applying: clean and dry your lips first before doing anything. after cleaning it slightly moisturize your lips by adding a little lip balm or for best result use vaseline petroleum jelly and let it absorbed for a minutes before proceeding to the main project.

2. additional things to do to enhance the texture of your lips after applying the lip balm is to add a border line to your lips by Lip liner pencil you have, the other reason for putting this border line outside on your is to prevent lipstick from running and bleeding outside your lips boundary.

i push you to use a Lip liner with a nude color or something that is similar to the red shades of your lipstick. if your trembling on putting this and made a mistakes i suggest you to don't swipe it with your finger,use a make-up remover you have or if haven't that use a cotton bud for best result.

tips: if you don't have Lip liner, just pat a concealer across your lips and rub it outside your lips. it really had a good result.
now your finish to do the two bases before applying lipstick. now lets go to the main purpose of this tutorials.

3. you can now apply the lipstick you've choose,don't forget to include the inner part of your lips,so that when your smile the color of your real lips might be a big contrast to the redness. it is best to apply using a lip brush you have and not the entire lipstick bottle.the brushed do is to ensure that the lipstick is added precisely and it makes your lips redder,fuller and holding perfect to your lips.
4. then the last but not the least,is to apply either a clear lip gloss rub slightly once, because if you put it too much it may dribble your red lipstick and it can turn your lips like clown.(http://goo.gl/gld35E)

December 14, 2013

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Proper Cleaning Care of your Fashion and Designer Handbags

having a designer bag or fashion bag, it is normal to take care it on properly and maintaining the elegance appearance like when you first bought it. that's hard to do that again if you already used your bag for many times. but there are ways to prevent that from getting worst it more. let us give you the basic way and tips on how to take care your bag properly to make it look good always and again.

-basic care-

when not in use, store your bags in a closets This will help to protect your bags because if you do not want to lose it in the right shape or color, you can put some tissue inside of it (or some some magazine or paper), but make sure not to put too much to avoid your bag not to stretch too much too, avoid use plastic when you want to hide it in your closet because plastic can stick to leather.
if your planning to keep your bag in a long time make sure to put a silica gel inside of it before storing it.



 use a handbag organizer and sometimes a bag liner, each time when Im buying a bag i also make sure to buy some package tools on how to take care of it like bag organizer or you can use your own pouch if you have one,  using bag organizer can also help to avoid make up stain and protecting our bag from any dirt cause of things who we put inside on our bags.
 and be careful also on where to put your bags anywhere so its important also to have a hanger for your bag.                                                             (alliexpress.com)

-Cleaning outside of your handbag- 

make sure to not use any household cleaner chemicals. clean your bag using the proper cleaner for leather.

 avoid putting your handbag in a high humidity like kitchen and or the top of refrigerator.

-Cleaning inside of your handbag-

if your bags are mostly satin lining inside use a wet sponge with a super mild soap ex: liquid soap mixture with water.

you can maintain your bags like new using this tips mention above.remember bags are also investment,proper care of it will make them stay longer.

August 21, 2013

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How to Cheat your Stomach to Lose Weight: Simple Diet Tricks to Reduce Belly Fats

the major reason of gaining weights is Overeating. Calories that  cannot burned by activity or exercise are stored in the body as extra fat. It is important to avoid overeating to hide those unwanted pounds. There are many environmental and internal triggers that can cause a person to to eat so much. These can range from the sight and smell of food to stress and depression. But by changing this small behaviors you can change your old habits over time and take just a less food. Did you know you could trick yourself unconscious for consuming a small calories?
below are some cheating tips from people who get succeed doing this trick and now losing their weight.

-use Smaller Plates, Bowls and Spoons for eating cycle -
it was determined that those who were given larger bowls, served themselves 31 percent more foods than those who had a smaller bowls. Those who had larger spoons served themselves 14 percent more.                                                       (widespread.com)
Another study you could read on the internet, supports the validity of this claim. In the experiment psychologist left out a bowl of chocolates with a small scoop. The following day, they replaced the small scoop with a larger one. They determined that people ate a whopping 66 percent more with the larger scoop. So try eating your meals with smaller utensils and plates to trick yourself into consuming fewer calories. 
-Eat using your Non-dominant hand-Mindless snacking during movie and watching tv is a surefire way to consume those extra unwanted calories.  "When we've repeatedly eaten a particular food in a particular environment, our brain comes to associate the food with that environment and makes us keep eating as long as those environmental cues are present." Experiments have shown that a way to circumnavigate these hard-wired desires during your next movie schedule is to eat with your non-dominant hand.                              (coach.ninemsn.com)
-if the food is Out of Sight it also Out of Mind-
some researched, suggests that people tend to overeat by snacking when food is easily visible and is within reach. A British television show, "Secret Eaters" replicated this study by placing candies in clear bowls within reach and another set of candies in opaque bowls out of reach. Studies have shown that those who had food within reach ate 70 percent more.
Place all of your snacks hidden inside your cupboards. Do not have any treats on your desk, kitchen counter, or coffee table. Even placing treats inside your desk drawers as opposed to having them on your desk makes a difference.

-Drinks in a Tall and Thin Glass-
Studies suggest that we tend to pour fewer amounts of liquid in a tall, thin glass than a short, fat glass. There is an optical illusion created that leads us to believe that there is less in a short, squat glass than taller, thin glass. The show "Secret Eaters" tested this claim by having participants pour what they thought was a "shot measure". Predictably, it showed that more amounts were poured on the short glasses.
For alcoholic and highly-caloric drinks, pour them in tall, thin glasses. You will most likely pour less and therefore consume fewer calories.

-last advice is to eat slowly-
 put yourself away from the television, apart from the iphone or iPad make yourself busy and in conversation with anybody, Savor your food.
Food that is eaten mindlessly is neglected food,And neglected food imparts the emptiest of calories.

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