I received a call from a friend yesterday, It's been a years not keeping in touch with her since she decide to stop working and become a full-time housewife to her husband.
I thought it was a call to say hi and how are you now? long time no see can we meet for a dinner sometimes? but I was shock to hear her crying voice on the other line, I ask her if what happen? she answered, with hesitation voice that she and her husband had a fight to end up Beating her. beating your wife or a partner is a very serious matter and that's what I am gonna concentrate in this articles.
there a lots of studies around who attempt to explain why some men use violence against their partners. maybe Some of those studies include the following: alcohol dependency, drugs, economic hardship, family dysfunction, lack of spirituality, poor communication skills, provocation by women,stress and third-party.
for me, even if these factors are associated but not a causes for
battering women, still the violence of men against women will not come
to an end. why? I think the abuser still using violence as an effective
method for gaining and keeping his control over someone else.
below are the sign of batterer and abuser person. maybe there some of you are not satisfied with the
result but consider it as a reference for your own beliefs,there are
some characteristics that fit the profile of abusers and batterer man.-the Batterer Person Has-
# an abuser or batterer - has low self-esteem. He feels powerless and ineffective. Although he may seem to be successful, inside he feels inadequate.
# an abuser or batterer - want to control a woman if its akin for independence.
# an abuser or batterer - finds external excuses for his behavior. He will blame his violence on having had a bad day, alcohol or drug use, his partner’s behavior or anything that comes to mind to excuse his violent actions.
# an abuser or batterer - is Explaining violence as an expression of his deep love.
# an abuser or batterer
- are Shifting blame for his actions and their effects to others,
especially to woman, or to external factors such as job stress.
# an abuser or batterer - was Seeing a woman as his property.
# an abuser/batterer - may display some warning signs such as: a bad temper, cruelty to animals, extreme jealousy, possessiveness, verbal abuse and/or unpredictability.
# an abuser/batterer - sees women as objects. He does not view women as people. He has no respect for women as a group. He sees women as property and sexual objects.
choose wisely a right person to be with.