September 3, 2017

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8 Best Yoga Poses to Weight Loss

  You might have tried many different things to get into shape like massage gels, creams and pills. these many seem affective at first but, will have a long term affect on the body. only exercises will build the body strength and tone down the muscles. so here are a few beginner yoga poses which will help you get tones legs and a flat tummy.

For this yoga pose you need to stand straight with your legs far apart. now bring your hands up above your head and stretch them. clasp both hands together in a namaste and turn your torso to the right side. your right knee should bend slightly while trying to stretch your abdominal muscles as much as you can. after turning it to the right, follow the same procedure to the left. this posture will tighten your muscles and also tone your legs giving you very good body strength.
(Photo credit yogamalacapetown)

 This yoga pose is just the same as the above. it has the same affect on the tummy and legs. it is done in a different ways. the hands do not make a namaste, they are stretch out to both the sides. while bending the leg. by doing this the abdominal muscles are stretched. this pose is very effective for fat elimination. (Photo credit

This asana is a chair pose in the air and it requires a lots of stamina. you may feel pain in your legs in the first couple of days when you practice it. however doing this regularly will help you gain flexibility and the pain will vanish. you need to have your feet together inhale while you raise your hands above your head. stretch them up while bending your knees. now you need to remain in this position for at least 60 seconds. it maybe difficult in the beginning to remain in this position. so try hold it as much as you can and stand up when you feel too much pressure. you can begin by doing this 10 time everyday and increase the number every 3 days. it will tone down your thigh melt the fats from your tummy.(Photo credit

Sit down on a map and stretch your legs. your knees should be pulled up, thighs should be tight and your toes should pointed out. now try to raise your feet on the ground and bring your legs to a 45 degree angle. inhale while you raise your feet and avoid bending your knees. the spine should be straight and your body should make a V shape. Raise your arms to the shoulder level. this pose will increase your stamina and also cut down tummy fat.(Photo credit

Lie down on your back,bend your knees. your feet should remain on the ground, the palms should be straight. Now lift your hips from the ground and balance yourself on your hands and feet. this pose will increase your muscle strength.(Photo credit

The cobbler's pose is one of the easiest and helpful poses of yoga. you need to sit down with your spine straight. your knees should be bent and the soles of your feet should be facing each other. you should press the soles together and hold this pose for a minute.(Photo credit

You need to lie face down with your palms facing on the ground. while inhaling you should lift up your legs without bending your knees. your upper torso and hands should also be lifted up, giving you a stretch of the abdominal muscles. you need to balance yourself on the tummy. this pose will reduce the fats near the hips and stretch your legs muscles.(Photo credit

Sit on your feet with your knees and calves close together. you need to use soft cloth under you to prevent pain. now come onto your knees and place your hands on your hips. stretching out your torso look above. hold your heels slowly, one hand after the other. Bend backward and stretch out the chest tummy. you can feel the weight in your arms. this position is useful to melt the fat in almost all of the areas of your body. (Photo credit

The Instruction above will able to help you effectively stretching the muscles around the hips,waist,abdomen, legs and hands. this will eliminates the fats and give you a healthier lighter body. it could help you to lose unhealthy fatty issues in the body, Constipation, stress and nervous tension are reduce by these poses.

December 9, 2015

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2016: Year of The Monkey and its Personality

The Year of the Monkey, 2016, in the Ba Zi calendar, is symbolized by two elements – with Yang fire sitting on top of metal. According to the cycle of birth and destruction, which governs the inter relationship between the elements, Fire conquers metal and so they are on the destructive cycle and have fighting relationship. Normally such conflicting elements means disharmony.(Photo credit 
In particular Yang Fire symbolizes a straight-forward and quick temper person more ready to explode. So there will be international conflicts and clashes. However, it seems such conflicts may not be very violent and yang fire sitting on Monkey is also symbol of the “Setting Sun” as Monkey is metal representing the west. So the yang fire is comparatively mild. Also yang fire people is known to lose temper quickly but is honest and open at heart. So conflicts can be more easily resolved with compromise and concessions when the heat is cooling down after sun set. With such character of yang fire, I can expect 2016 will be comparatively less violent than 2014 and 2015 when the yang wood is a stubborn tree standing by its principles and refuses to bend. Also yang fire being the sun always brings optimism and warmth. As such, it will be easier to reach agreements and treaties to resolve conflicts and struggles. (Source:
Years of birth: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Lucky Colors: white, blue, gold 
Lucky Numbers: 4 and 9 
Lucky Flowers: chrysanthemum, crape-myrtle

1. Monkeys can't see they forest for the trees.
2. Flatter Monkeys and they may do great things.
3. Monkeys are clever with their hands and good imitators.
4. Monkeys are restless animals of action.
5. Monkeys move easily when given instructions.
6. Monkeys are a cheerful life of the party.
7. Monkeys try hard if small change is involved.
8. Monkeys are a bit goofy.
9. Monkeys are trusting and easily deceived.
10. Monkeys are curious and want to improve themselves.

People born in a year of the Monkey are witty, intelligent, and have a magnetic personality. Personality traits, like mischievousness, curiosity, and cleverness, make them very naughty. Monkeys are masters of practical jokes, because they like playing most of the time. Though they don't have any bad intentions, their pranks sometimes hurt the feelings of others.
Those born in a year of the Monkey are fast learners and crafty opportunists. They have many interests and need partners who are capable of stimulating them. While some like the eccentric nature of Monkeys, some don't trust their sly, restless, and inquisitive nature.
Although they are clever and creative, monkeys can't always exhibit their talent properly. Monkeys like to take challenges and they prefer urban life to rural.

Usually monkeys are very healthy creatures, partly due to their active lifestyles, and wanting to experience the flavors of life. If they do experience illness, it is usually of the nervous or circulatory system.

When it comes to careers, Monkeys do work very hard. They can adapt to different working environments. Good career choices for monkeys are accounting and banking, science, engineering, stock market trading, air traffic control, film directing, jewelry, and salesmanship.

In relationships Monkeys are not very quick in settling down, as they tend to be promiscuous and are easily bored. However, once Monkeys get a perfect partner, they commit to him/her in every possible way. Since Monkeys love to talk and are sociable, they can be communicated with easily.
 (Credit to Article for:

December 5, 2015

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Power Spot: Sacred Places in Japan to Recharge Good Energy and Spiritual Beliefs

Beauty of Nature have been always attracted to mankind, because not only can soothes the eyes but also put the body and the soul in relief and comfort. Power Spots are extra bonus from God. “Power Spots" are Places surround Japan to go in order to stimulate with Good Energies and Good luck in Life, it is now popular to a lots of Japanese People and Foreign Residence, especially women. These places, usually Temples or Shrines, Mountains and Falls who possess the Power of God. Maybe a happy relationship, healthy life, success in career, having pregnant and bearing child safely could come true. Also Japanese people believe that the Power Spot places have an ability to take them to Peace and Tranquility in the Hustle Bustle days and stress. so, if you're a temporary visitors or having a long time vacation here in Japan, rather than Just spending your time exploring the city why don’t you Take some time out and feel the Strength and Divinity Power of these famous “Power Spot” places in Japan.

-Temples and Shrine-
A sacred sites or sanctuary of God. In japan, the shrine or temples was regarded as holy place because of its Divinity, in japan there are many great shrines or temples of God and of famous people. A lot of Japanese people are fascinated and visit more often to recharge their spiritual beliefs, increase Luck and power as well. But unlike other countries, temples or shrine in Japan actually not just build for spiritual events and activities purpose such as Prayer, God praising, funeral and Sacrifice, Japanese People Don’t go regularly to this Place to Worship the Greatness of God together with the other Gods Believer. Other reason of this structure is to preserved national treasure, displaying Japans holy objects and Good Energy Recharging too.

-Floating Torii Gate in Utsukushima Island-

The Utsukushima Shrine or must be Popular in the name of Miyajima Island in the City of Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima Prefecture became more popular for their Iconic ‘Floating Torii Gates’ the famous Shrine attraction in Utsukushima Island who got listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Torii means, two pillars Connect or Joined by one or two beams. The oldest Torii recorded in Japan now and still standing were built in the 12th century and can be found in Yamagata Prefecture. Many people in Japan believe that the "Torii" Gates give Strength to those who visited them.(Photo Credit

-Izumo Taisha or Izumo Oyashiro- 

 The Izumo Taisha also known as Izumo Oyashiro shrine is an Ancient Shinto Shrine and the largest wooden structure in Izumo-city, Shimane Prefecture. There is no registered date of establishment but according to the legendary folklore and history of japan, the Izumo Taisha shrine is the meeting place of all God. The shrine is Dedicated to Praise the Great Achievement of Ōkuninushi-no-Mikoto and now famous for the place to obtaining good energy and God’s luck to fulfill their wish to live a happy life.(Photo Credit

-The Yasukuni Shrine-
The Yasukuni Shrine is also a Shinto Shrine build in 1869 in Chiyoda Tokyo, Japan. The place is dedicated to honor the memories of Japan’s soldier and people who Died on the War. The Yasukuni Shrine also known as Yasukuni Jinja have now Enshrined Millions of Japanese people died fighting for the Empire of Japan since 1853 including foreign who served the Emperor at that time. Few "Torii’s" could view on the Gateway and other is located inside Ground of the Shrine, the one big Torii made of steel was the largest "Torii" in Japan, set up on 1921 Measured 25 meters tall and 34 meters wide. According to the stories of some people who been already to the site, the Yasukuni Shrine visit could be a life changing experienced. Japanese words translated in English is also available for foreign visitors of Yasukuni Shrine.(Photo Credit

-Meiji Jingu Shrine-
The Meiji Jingu Shrine is measured 175 acres was surrounded almost of 120,000 green trees from 365 species donated by many people around japan. The Meiji Shrine can be found in one of the busiest city of Tokyo. Inside the Shrine you will see a big Wooden "Torii" Gate and Gigantic Barrels of Saké, an important aspect of rituals.  Famous not only for spiritual recreational but also for special power recharge.(Photo Credit

-Tōdai-ji Temples-

Is a Buddhist temple structure found in the city of Nara and Big hall of Buddha are one of the main attraction of this site for being the largest bronze statue of Buddha in the world with houses. The Tōdai-ji temples served as main school for Buddhism in Japan but according to a lots of people who visited temple it is famous place to visit for those who want to gain good energy and recharge their spiritual beliefs. If you are planning a trip to Japan, visiting this ancient temples is a good way to start.(Photo Credit

In the Japanese tradition, monks and hermits come and retreat to the mountain to acquired peace of mind. Because the mountain has always believed by many as a place of power. In history, people believed that some mountains were the house of our Gods and others are still believed as place where it is possible to connect to the God.

-Mt. Nantai San in Nikko-

 Mount Nantai san also known as Futara san in Chugushi, Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture, become one of the famous power spot for giving Benefits and Grace to those who come up the 2,486 meters high mountain. It is popular with hikers and one of the 100 famous mountains in Japan but in September 2008 it was classified as an active Volcano according to the Researched made of Toyama University lead by Yasuo Ishizaki and Colleagues.(Photo Credit

-Mount Kurama-

Mount Kurama is one of the Pride symbols of the north-west city of Kyoto, Japan, well-known for its beautiful scenery and yearly Festival called Kurama Fire Festival. According from the history of Japan at early 1900s, Mount Kurama served as the Reiki source of Mikao Usui who meditated for almost 21 days on the top of the mountain and received healing energy from the sacred tree who said the “incarnation tree of their God”. The Shinto Shrine on the top also one of the reason of this Mountain to get a lots of visitors from local and foreign travelers.(Photo Credit

-Waterfalls and Lake-
Waterfalls and Lake are one of the amazing creations that God of Nature has to offer. The splendid power of white water crashing over cliffs to the depths below and a beautiful serenity pond has a solemnity effect to anyone. In Japan history, samurai and people who made a mistakes to their life came across to have remorse and meditate by spending long moments of hour under waterfall cliff and let the water crashing over their body and in lake, people come and visit to have a peaceful mind while overlooked the peaceful water of nature.

-Jouren no Taki in Mount Amagi-

 A beautiful waterfall found in Yugashima, Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture with the height of 25 meters and 7 meters in width, along with natural forest of Mount Amagi, the Jouren no Taki waterfalls become listed as one of the top 100 waterfalls in Japan. It is visited by people who longing for more extra activities aside from power and good energy recharging you can enjoy doing trout fishing around the Jouren no Taki waterfalls and also experienced seeing fresh wasabi in the process.(Photo Credit

-Kakitakawa or Wakimizu-
the Kakitakawa is a clear-flowing River around Shimizu town in the district of Suntō in Shizouka Prefecture. It is listed as one of the three clear flowing Rivers in Japan together with the Nagara and Shimanto rivers of Gifu and Kōchi Prefecture. The main water source of this beautiful rivers come from the melting snow of Mount Fuji and the others are from spring and rainfalls. The spring parts can be viewed separate from the main river area located at the Kakitakawa Park forming as an old water well. During my visit I experienced, many people have their empty pet bottle with them and bring home water came from the Kakitakawa River for they are believe as “Healing Water for all Sickness”.(Photo Credit

-The Lake Biwa-

 Lake Biwa can be found in Shiga Prefecture is Measuring 670 km² area of water was the largest freshwater Lake in Japan. The Lake Biwa become Popular Spot for sightseeing and outdoor activities such as, boat rowing and fishing, yearly marathon since 1962, historical sites and castles, agriculture and dairy farming are also of interest. Don’t worry for the Ryokans and Hotels because a lots of affordable place are waited for your trip. The Lake Biwa are now considered as Power Spot in Japan.(Photo Credit

-The Oshino Hakkai-

 Oshino Hakkai also known as Utsu Lake in Yamanashi Prefecture, located 7 km²  from the lake of Kawaguchiko and 3 km² Northwest from the Lake of Yamanakako, are now listed as one of 100 national treasure of Japan.  It has beautiful Eight Spring of Ponds with clear and beautiful water coming down from the melting snow of Mount Fuji. This pure water contains large amount of mineral and called by people as “The spring of God” given name by local Japanese who once used to wash away Impurities of the heart and soul.(Photo Credit

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