September 11, 2015

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How to Spot Real and Fake Louis Vuitton Handbags

There are many replicas that look very similar to real bags so it is essential to learn how to spot a fake so you don't end up wasting your money. Many of the fakes are hard to distinguish from the real deal so paying attention to specific details because its difficult to figure out if a bag is authentic.
like other woman out there!  I am a big fan of Louis Vuitton bags ,but we all know that it is so expensive and not every one can afford to have this luxury bag, I just content to see other woman carrying this bag,until I'm able to have it own on my own now.

With the popularity of designer bags at an all-time high, more counterfeit bags are hitting the streets and online auctions. Don't be fooled into purchasing a Louis Vuitton bag that claims to be the real thing when in fact, it is not. It can be difficult at times to tell a fake from an authentic but there are several ways to identify the difference between a genuine and a fake handbag.

-An authentic Louis Vuitton bag has the following characteristics-

 Louis Vuitton bags are expensive. They are made out of costly materials such as top-quality leather, boa, crocodile, lambskin and camel skin. Fakes are made from pleather and vinyl; they may feel rough and stiff. A real Louis Vuitton is smooth and feels soft.Louis Vuitton trim is done is Vachetta leather and tans naturally as the bag ages. Most fakes are done in a light tan trim or a fake aged trim that will not change with age.
Monogram placement is done carefully and is consistent on pieces. It will not be crooked or cut off. It will look the same on each style of bag. The leather is one solid piece that continues to the front from the back. You will never see a seam in the middle of a bag.
Tags are never attached to a Louis Vuitton bag. They may come with tags, but they are simply placed in the purse or dust bag. 

-Tags are never attached with plastic or pins-                                                          (

The hardware used on the bag is also an indicator. Fake bags will often have painted gold plastic where as an authentic will have gold or brass metal hardware imprinted with the trademark LV logo.
All bags come with a soft dust bag. This bag is done in a soft tan color and features the Louis Vuitton logo in the center. The dust bag can be done in a drawstring or envelope style.

-Knowing the Bag-

Check the details of the bag against the original style. In addition to the basic features to look out for, there are some other obvious indicators. For example, if you are looking for a Speedy bag and find one that has gold feet on the bottom, steer clear. This style never features feet. The Speedy is smooth from front to back and does not have extra hardware such as feet.

-Beware of Extra Accessories-

Many Louis Vuitton fakes come with extra accessories. Authentic Louis Vuitton bags do not. The Never full has the option to add a shoulder strap but that is not a standard accessory. The Never full comes with two straps that can be carried over the arm. Fake versions may have a shoulder strap attached or as an accessory.
Check Handles and Stitching be wary of Louis Vuitton bags who has plastic wrapped around the handles like the image below.                                                        ( 
Examine the workmanship carefully. All Louis Vuitton bags have precise stitching that is durable and will not show any loose threads. The handles of each bag are seamed together with a special glue that bonds the leather. You will not see any sloppy craftsmanship or loose stitching. If you do, this is an indicator that the bag in question is not real.
Check the lettering on your bag. Wherever you see Louis Vuitton spelled out, you can check to see that the O is round, not oval shaped. Many fake versions will use oval shaped O's instead of round ones.

-Watch Out for Authenticity Certificates-

A final indicator that a bag is fake is the authenticity card. Real Louis Vuitton bags do not come with a certificate of authenticity. You may find a cream colored card with the style name of the bag and a bar code inside, but never a certificate. Many fake bags come with a certificate, leading consumers to believe that they are real.                                        ( &

-Popular Replicated Styles-

There are many different bags, styles and patterns in the Louis Vuitton collection, but some styles and bags are more commonly replicated than others.

Signature Monogram Canvas: The most popular pattern is the Signature Monogram Canvas. This pattern features tan LV logos on a rich dark brown leather background. The pattern is never reversed or done with additional colors.

-Takashi Murakami Collection- 

Another highly replicated bag is the one done by designer Takashi Murakami. In 2003, Murakami partnered with Marc Jacobs and released this unique collection. The bags were done in white leather and featured 33 different colors of the signature LV logos. Another variation was the Cherry Blossom bag done in the Signature Monogram with the addition of red cherry blossoms throughout. A small face is in the center of each blossom. You will not see other flowers or designs on real bags.

-Damier Graphite canvas-

A newer style print is the Damier Graphite canvas. This style features the classic block pattern in black and grey. It has an urban feel and is more edgy than traditional styles. You will not see other variations to this print. Bold colors are never used and the block pattern always lines up on the edges and seams.

                                           -DAMIER GRAPHITE CANVAS-                                                      

-How to Spot Authentic Louis Vuitton Guide-

4 Part Guide to Spotting LV Fakes → Written by eBay Top 25 reviewer fashionista, ☞ here this is another helpful pictorial guide discussing aspects to watch for when purchasing.

Spot a Louis Vuitton Fake → Written by Forbes's staffer Hannah Elliot ☞ here this helpful article offers specific traits to consider when searching for your next Louis Vuitton.

-Budget Fashionista's LV Handbag Tips- 

Kathryn Finney- also known as the Budget Fashionista, knows that a counterfeit bag is nobody's bargain. See her quick tips on spotting a counterfeit LV.

-Shop Reputable Louis Vuitton Retailers-

Where you obtain your bag is also an indicator as to whether or not it is a fake. If you are able to shop in person then Louis Vuitton bags can be purchased at Louis Vuitton stores and boutiques. For those who prefer to shop online, check out the official website of Louis Vuitton ☞ here for a selection of bags in the latest styles.

If you have a bag that you are unsure about, you can bring in the bag to a store and ask a sales associate about authenticity of the bag. All Louis Vuitton associates are trained and will be able to spot a fake without hesitation. You can also use a handbag authentication service to help you determine the authenticity of your bag; however, research carefully to make sure you sure using a legitimate service.

-Do Your Research-

Like the old saying goes, "it is too good to be true" then it probably is. This goes for Louis Vuitton bags as well. An authentic Louis Vuitton is crafted from high-end luxury materials and the price tag reflects that fact. Don't be fooled into buying a fake. Educate yourself and be well-informed on what to look out for when purchasing a designer bag.

September 10, 2015

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Beauty Skin tips: How to Prevent Wrinkles and Dark Spot Appearing on a Face

as you turn to an aged for being conscious on fear from appearing lines beside the nose and below the eyes (the wrinkles). Just like any other woman out there, I become more careful for the foods and routine to avoid that to happen.
Most of us women always thinks about how to prevent measures to ward off wrinkles or premature aging.  and we always look for an idea to take the steps necessary to keep our skin looking young and fresh.
 we try search to find the ways to cure and prevent that nightmares.

-3 annoying and most hated line for Women-

Wrinkles all around the face - particularly the eye and mouth area also known as Nasolabial lines/folds (often referred to as “Crow's Feet” here in japan),deep folds between the nose and the mouth are Nasolabial folds, it become more visible when we getting old. the Mid-face ages when the cheeks begin to droop.
Tired-Looking eyes : eyes that looks “worn out,” with no hint of softness or suppleness (i couldn't think of any more feminine words). This occurs when the eyes begin to swell for various reasons, including excessive crying, excessive physical stress, genetics, dermatitis, hormonal changes in the body, a change in weather, sinus problems, hangovers, bad diet, lack of sleep and some allergic reaction.

brown spot: Small patches of discoloration on the face. Brown spots generally appear on exposed skin areas like the face, back, neck, chest, shoulders and hands. Some of the main causes of brown spots are sun exposure, aging, and genetics. Factors like stress, pregnancy, vitamin deficiencies, and weak liver functioning may also contribute to this problem. (

 i searched and knowing all the causes of all these. i'm not going to give a  Scientific explanation for you even if i saw out there was it, despite, i will give you a simple explanation about it. here is the first and can say the main reason of wrinkles appearing.
 did you know that Collagen and Elastin are the elements that keep skin looking soft and healthy. When these elements are damaged, skin tends to go downhill and premature aging sets in. So, it's important to protect skin from outside forces that damage Collagen and Elastin.

-there are lots of ways to avoid that-

    Avoid Sun Exposure :  didn't know that 99% of all premature aging is the result of sun exposure. So, sun block is imperative prior to any stint outside (it doesn't have to be 80 degrees).

 for me i use SPF50+  from DHC bb Germanium brand but you can use sunblock protection from any brand.

    Avoid Smoking : The damage to skin can be significant, but is still probably the least of a smoker's worries.

    stay away in all of these! Alcohol, Drugs & Highly-Processed Foods.

    Follow A Solid Skincare Routine : Remember the letters CSP – Cleanse, Scrub and Protect.

    if there some space on your wallet for luxury do it for your own happiness like Make An Appointment to Find a spa/salon where you'll feel comfortable and visit a Skin Care, experts says on a commercials: Two or three “facials” a year can really make a difference.

    Take a supplements: Use skin care products packed with vitamins and minerals, for these way i really push you to buy a collagen from these product name called Dear-natura if unable to find this product look for any collagen products that have a 2000mg of collagen because it really works.

      exercise daily.  Inner health and inner beauty is scientifically proven to be reflected on the outside.
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Childhood Reminiscene: if your a Child of 90's Watching this Video will Bring you Back again

we're in an age where everything is overplayed for the simple fact that corporate companies want money, money and then some more, the millennium was a turning point for people's lives essentially, and most just miss their childhoods as their adult lives began after the millennium. this time I just wanted to share this video for all child of 90’s, like me. the reasons why growing up in the '90s was amazing, maybe All generations have their nostalgia moments.  Everyone thinks back to the "good 'ol days," but really the only thing good about them was the fact that kids don't have a lot of responsibilities holding them down but I could Say The generation of 90's is very special,Remembering those little crazy things of your childhood.

if one of this thing you spent doing on that times, then you probably had most awesome random moments.
little crazy things are worth to be remember
and i promise it can make you smile remembering that times. enjoy.

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